Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Un-Fair and Out of Balance

Some national news organization . . .I honestly cannot remember which one . . . uses the slogan "Fair and Balanced" with regards to its news reporting.

The closet cynic in me (I keep her subdued with massive doses of chocolate) sometimes wondered if there was anything even remotely close to fair and balanced when it comes to the news and journalism in general
. Well, that would be a "No" in case anyone, other than me was wondering.

Truth be told, I have enough personal sense to know that most everyone (including major religious figures, sports figures, personality figures and figure figures) has an opinion, and will use that opinion when conveying any message they see fit to use breath on. However, I did want to believe that our national media, and the journalists that report the news, did have some sense of separation between personal belief and fact (you know, like the members of the Supreme Court are supposed to have).

I didn't want to believe that "Ethical Journalist" was a member of the super secret Oxymoron club, like "Honest Lawyer" and "Fat Free." Alas the dream is over.

Lately, a project I have been on the front lines for work wise, has received some local press. Nothing CNN worthy, but press nonetheless. And much to my dismay, and to the delight of that closet cynic, I have seen a story become so completely, for lack of better term, bastardized, all thanks to that noblest of professions, journalism.

Facts, whatever those are, have been dropped in favor of sensational headlines and out of context quotes. The idiots of the asylum are getting top billing, while the actual knowledge holders are either omitted or, in some cases, made to be the bad guys.

And the worst part is, there is nothing really that can be done. If you protest, you not only draw more attention to that which is blatantly false, but you have to repeat the falsehood in order to correct it with the actual truth. Now I ask you, what is someone going to remember more . . .that sensational falsehood, or the bland, dorky, non-sexy truth? Yep, the sensation is going to sell every time and twice as often.

I know that we, as a society, need to be entertained. That is why shows like "The View" and "Real Time with Bozo the Clown" exist, right? But to say that we now need entertainment with our news, well, that is just wrong.

Call me crazy, but isn't the news supposed to look like the argyle-wearing, pocket protector sporting, high-waisted pants donning nerd that we all know and love? Since when does journalism go hand in hand with sensationalism? Since when is the news supposed to be sexy, and therefore truth-loose?

I am not sure what to do with this new found knowledge and unwelcome realization. The cynic has been confirmed, and no amount of chocolate is going to dull that awareness.

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