Sunday, March 15, 2009

'Til Death Do Us Part

Recently, my husband and I passed a milestone . . .Six years of marriage and no end in sight.

While it seems only yesterday that our wedding day began with a stretch limo dumping its transmission and most of the fluid contents of its engine on my parent's driveway (there is a story for another time. . . let's just say that a stretch limo plus a steep driveway equals disaster) we actually have made it six years.

To many, this may not seem like so much, but to me it means we are continuing towards a remarkable victory. You see, when we got married on that beautiful February day in 2003, we were honestly making a commitment that, short of a felony, will last for the rest of our lives. In other words, we took the "Death" line seriously.

It never ceases to amaze me how cavalier people can be about the rite of marriage. However, with such worthy shows as "The Bachelor," "Who Wants To Marry a Millionaire," and most every news story out of Hollywood, I really should not be shocked at how lightly a lifetime commitment is taken.

You know, I actually went to a wedding where, on the day the couple was united, the Bride had the audacity to say that if it did not work out, she would just divorce him. On her wedding day, the woman is already looking for the emergency exit! And what did she mean by "If it doesn't work out . . ."? What, like if she wakes up one morning, and the morning breath is a little worse then normal, oh well then she has an out? What the %^&@ ?!?!?!?

For my husband and I, there was no "Emergency Exit" briefing before our wedding. Just the opposite. . . while I am a devoted Christian, my husband is still trying to find his way. But before our wedding, he did something wonderful. . .he actually went with me to pre-marriage counseling at my church. There we spent some time with one of my ministers, not only discussing the basics of the ceremony, but also talking about what the marriage commitment means for us.

We did not agree on everything, but the one thing we were adamant on is that there would only be one marriage and one union for us. This was going to be it, for better or worse . . .we were taking the permanent "E" ticket extreme ride of a lifetime, with no station breaks or track switching.

There was a time not too long ago that our choice was the only choice for a couple. Divorce was not the option that it is now . . .it was the exception, as opposed to a common day standard. While I do not necessarily advocate a return to those times . . .for one thing, I hate ironing and I am not so good with the "obey" thing . . .I do think that more needs to be invested in this commitment we call marriage.

It's not easy, it sometimes is not pretty, but God at the end of the day it is so worth it. I look at my husband now, and not only do I see the face I so love, but I also see the experiences, the laughs, the tears and the fights that have brought us to this moment in time. We have been through so much and learned so much in six short years. I can't even fathom what the future is going to throw our way.

Nope, I did not know what I was getting into on that February day six years ago, but I would not have missed this ride for all the world. I cannot wait to see what joys, challenges, and experiences the next 50+ years will bring. Thank God I know who will be in the seat beside me!

1 comment:

  1. In the spirit of making a day tremendous, I would go to all extremes to make the wedding day special to me and my partner by hiring a limo.
